Groundwater Modelling within the Framework of the Raise of the Impounding Heads at the Weir Structure Bertoldsheim / Danube, Germany

Groundwater Modelling within the Framework of the Raise of the Impounding Heads at the Weir Structure Bertoldsheim / Danube, Germany

Uniper plans to raise the impounding heads at the weir structure Bertoldsheim on the Danube. Within the framework of the tender studies, the impact on the groundwater conditions in the proximity of the Danube – particularly for the area covered by buildings – were to be examined. For this purpose, a large-scale 2D groundwater model was prepared that could be calibrated steady-state or transient. The impact of the raise of the impounding heads was calculated in transient computer runs and represented in a transparent way for the approval procedure.

A groundwater monitoring program for the future raise of the impounding heads was established based on the results of the forecast.

Fichtner services

  • Hydraulic and hydrogeological data research
  • Hydrogeological computer modelling
  • Generation of a 2D FE groundwater model (program SPRING)
  • Steady-state and transient calibration
  • Transient forecast calculations
  • Report on official approval design
  • Public/community relations
  • Development of a monitoring and evaluation program

Technical data

  • Consideration of approx. 290 groundwater measuring points and soil explorations
  • Model area145 km²
  • Finite element network with 57,000 nodes and 68.000 elements


Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH (formerly E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH), Germany