Mining & Raw Materials
Our Mining & Raw Materials Department concentrates on engineering, technology, business and financing in the areas of raw materials and the supply of raw materials, as well as mining and mine rehabilitation.
Our experts can rely on many years of experience in the mining and raw materials business. This expertise covers the geological, technical and financial aspects of mining, particularly in the areas of hard coal, lignite and non-ferrous metals.
- We work in the following branches of mining and raw materials:
- Resource and reserve evaluation according to international reporting standards (CIM, JORC and PERC)
- Deposit modelling
- Concepts for the development of new mines for raw material extraction and processing plants
- Mine planning and rehabilitation, including risk assessment
- Economic assessment of mining projects - cash-flow calculations, cost-benefit analyses
- Monitoring of technical and economic processes
- Planning permits under mining law
- Assessment of socioeconomic aspects
- Occupational safety
- Drainage concepts, hydrogeology and groundwater modelling
- Assessment and monitoring of environmental aspects of mining
- Mine closure and post-mining landscapes
- Assessment of geological and technical aspects of underground storage of liquid and gaseous substances for the energy industry (CO2, oil and gas, steam and water)
- Geothermal energy
- Privatisation and restructuring of mining businesses
- Nationwide studies of mineral, coal, oil and gas resources, institutional strengthening, training and workshops
Your contact for mining and raw materials:
- Nikolaus Linder
- Projects Director
- nikolaus.linder @fwt.fichtner .de
- +49 201 1252898-22
- Dr. Christian Göhl
- Managing Director
- christian.goehl @fwt.fichtner .de
- +49 89 4110 942-12